Power boost for successful Common Entrance students
August 17, 2007

Power boost for successful Common Entrance students

St. Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) has provided six scholarships to children of employees who were successful in this year’s Common Entrance Examinations.{{more}}

The awardees were presented with cheques valued at EC$1,200 on August 14th at the Cane Hall Training Room.

Delivering brief remarks, Chief Executive Officer Thornley Myers encouraged the children to excel in their studies and work towards becoming well rounded individuals. He encouraged the parents to be positive examples in their children’s lives. Myers said that VINLEC is pleased to be able to provide assistance towards their education and pledged the Company’s commitment in the field of education.

General Secretary of the National Workers Movement and member of the Education Awards Committee, Noel Jackson was also present at the function. He told the students to do their best to educate themselves and noted that the sky is the limit. He also stressed the importance of education in this global environment.

This year’s recipients are Jonique Chaunce, Lashonda Daniel, Angelique Douglas, Jaioni James, Mariah Millington, John Rickards Jr.

VINLEC’s Education Award Scheme was established in 1984 for students entering secondary institutions. The programme was extended to include students entering tertiary institutions in 1993. The education award programme is providing employees’ children with the opportunity and incentive to continue their education so they may fully participate in civil society and national development.

Approximately one hundred and forty-two persons have benefited from the programme so far.