Ryan ends stint in force
July 27, 2007

Ryan ends stint in force

The Police top brass is looking for a man to head the highly critical Special Services Unit (SSU) following the retirement of Superintendent Norris Ryan.{{more}}

After 31 years on the job, Superintendent Ryan, who headed various police divisions during his stint in the force including the Grenadines, resigned effective July 13.

As the curtain closed on his career, Acting Commissioner Bertram Pompey described Ryan as a distinguished police officer with an impeccable character.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT, Commissioner Pompey said that the police force would miss Ryan and his years of experience.

He noted how crucial it was for the police force to get the right man to head the SSU, a unit which among other responsibilities, is involved in drug eradication exercises.

“We are looking at someone, but it is too early to say, we still have to discuss it,” Pompey told SEARCHLIGHT earlier this week.

Ryan told SEARCHLIGT that while he was looking forward to retirement, he misses the police force.

“Police in my blood,” the lawman said.

Ryan, of Mesopotamia is now getting prepared to take up his new appointment as the security manager at the ET Joshua airport from September.