July 6, 2007

Apology from Leacock in order

Another call has been made for New Democratic Party (NDP) Senator, St. Clair Leacock to apologize for statements made at his party’s march and rally held last month.

The Vincentian Association of Cuban Trained Professionals (VINCUPA) in a press release issued on Wedneday expressed its disappointment in Leacock, for implying that Cuban nationals will be involved in the political process of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

The release stated that the Cuban Government, which has assisted this country even before diplomatic ties were established, has no interest in interfering in any uncanny manner, in the politics of this country to the benefit of any political party.

The release further stated that the professionals who were trained in Cuba, had lived the Cuban experience and understand the principles on which the Cubans have unselfishly extended the gains of its society to millions of people world wide.

The release said that the professionals consider themselves testimony of Cuba’s generosity to this country without asking anything in return, and believe that an apology from Leacock is in order.

On June 8th 2007, Leacock suggested that the Unity Labour Party (ULP) government will use Cuban workers here in 2011 in an effort to gain an advantage in the 2011 general elections. (JJ)