VINLEC : Employees are the Key to safety
June 8, 2007

VINLEC : Employees are the Key to safety


Aware of their responsibility to protect their workers from accidents and injury, the St Vincent and the Grenadines Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) held their safety week under the theme, “Sharing Responsibility for Health and Safety” with the slogan “You are the Key to Safety.”{{more}}

From May 27 to June 2, VINLEC employees participated in activities to heighten their awareness of on the job risks and were reminded to be vigilant for workplace related hazards.

Environmental Safety Officer Priscilia Haynes explained, “When proper systems are not implemented to manage health and safety at the workplace, employees can be exposed to work related hazards that can lead to serious illness, accidents, injuries and even fatalities. Workplace accidents and injuries inevitably lead to loss of time that can result in increased operations cost, insurance and liability claims for companies. But even more critical is the loss of income, pain and suffering for the injured employees and their families. Our priority therefore is on prevention rather than cure.”

Haynes said that VINLEC will continue to provide personal protective equipment, tools and will continue to implement safer work procedures.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thornley Myers said VINLEC was seeking to be ISO certified to follow the guidelines of the international community on utility service and pointed out that this would help VINLEC become better recognized.

The CEO said that VINLEC would not only ensure the safety of their employees but also their customers since over 37,000 electricity users and their households use appliances and other gadgets that expose them to the hazards of electricity.

Myers told workers to have their families remind them to be cautious on their jobs since a reminder note would help workers realize the importance of returning home to their families.

Chairman of the Board of Directors Douglas Cole also pointed out that his company would not tolerate breaches in security by the public since the incidents could be fatal.(SG)