Ministry hosts session on school violence
June 1, 2007

Ministry hosts session on school violence

A packed Peace Memorial Hall was the venue for the much anticipated consultation on violence in schools, especially following a series of high profile cases of violence in a number of schools in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

The symposium, organized by the Ministry of Education, saw educators, students,parents, law makers and law enforcement personnel gathered in an effort to pin point the source of the problems and possible solutions to the issues that are affecting the education system and society on a whole.

Last Thursday’s gathering heard remarks from Chief Education Officer Susan Dougan, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Laura Browne, head of the National Commission of Crime Prevention Genita Lewis, Assistant Commissioner of Police Ekron Lockhart and Parnel Campbell, Barrister

at Law.

Following the addresses it was the turn of the audience to make their input into the consultation and come up with solutions to the problem.

The consultation brought to light a number of serious issues affecting schools around St. Vincent and the Grenadines; these include assault on students and teachers by other students and parents, sexual molestation, weapons and drugs in schools.