Spiritual Baptists celebrate freedom
May 25, 2007

Spiritual Baptists celebrate freedom

Proudly marching in witness to their faith from the Peace Memorial Hall to Victoria Park, Spiritual Baptists celebrated their day under the theme “Reaching Above and Beyond” on Sunday, May 20.{{more}}

With the echoes of the drums from the Naked Roots Organisation, members of the clergy and congregation praised God in hymns, scripture readings and a medley of choruses.

Delivering the sermon Archbishop Johnny Jones urged the gathering to be like the Apostle Paul in the Bible who was always striving to get in a deeper relationship with God. He said the Spiritual Baptists must also serve God fully and never be stagnant in their spiritual walk.

The Archbishop said that members must be like Olympic athletes who specialize in reaching the higher mark since many members of their faith challenged the colonial powers to be able to worship freely and at times put their lives at risk.

He emphasised, “Always try to reach beyond and excel to the highest point. That is why we must be soldiers and recognize the importance of staying together and reaching the goal.”

The event was jointly organized by the Spiritual Baptist Organisation of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Mt Carmel Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese Inc and the Mt Halibeth Church of the World Inc, Church of the Epiphany. (SG)