Vegetable farmers to form association
Vegetable farmers from Buccament to Chateaubelair gathered at the Golden Grove Learning Resource centre in Chateaubelair to discuss the formation of a vegetable farmers association on Tuesday at 6pm.
“We are too divided as small farmers,” said Agricultural Officer Dan Richards who spearheaded the effort. Richards heads the Vegetable Unit for Region one which runs from Lowmans Leeward to Richmond and works out of the newly established hub at Walliabou.{{more}}
The farmers looked at the benefits and opportunities an association would bring; they also examined their strengths, and weaknesses and threats that such a venture would face. They also did a review of the history of farmers’ groups in and their modus operandi drawing the positives and incorporating them into a work plan.
Richards told SEARCHLIGHT that a farmers’ managed organization was the way to move the sector forward and to cushion the effects of globalization. “We want farmers to overcome challenges and grab opportunities that will come,” he said.
A six-man interim committee agreed to do advance work on the forming of the association; they will meet on Tuesday 3 April at 2 p.m. at the Walliabou Agricultural Office.