Rabacca Bridge to be opened March 28
A half-holiday has been approved by this country’s Government to give all Vincentians the opportunity to attend the official ceremony marking the opening of the Yurumein/Taiwan Bridge at the Rabacca Dry River.
The bridge, which was built as part of a project costing $8.5 million and took 14 months to construct, will be officially opened on Wednesday with a day of activities celebrating the event.{{more}}
Chairman of the Rabacca Organizing Committee, the Hon. Julian Francis said the bridge will eliminate the problems of residents and vehicular traffic having to cross the river which can be unpredictable at times.
Francis speaking at a press conference on Monday at Cabinet Room, said, that the construction of the road from Langley Park to Rabacca, and the building of a sea defence wall in the North Windward area were also part of the project which included the bridge.
Francis appealed to Vincentians to attend the ceremony and celebration, saying that the opening of the bridge is a national event, and that Vincentians should turn out in their numbers regardless of political affiliation or preference.
Transportation to Rabacca from Kingstown and the Leeward area will assemble at Aunt Jobe’s Supermarket in Kingstown, then travel to Rabbaca in caravan style.
Francis indicated that there will be ample parking for persons driving to the event, and encouraged drivers to bring their neighbors along with them.
He said that persons wishing to sell food and drinks at the event will need to register in order to do so, and the no bottle policy will be enforced.
Wednesday’s opening includes the opening ceremony and a celebration party, which will feature a number of cultural activities by both local and foreign performers.
The Opening Ceremony will hear a number of addresses from Government and other Officials, including the Area Representative, Montgomery Daniel, Taiwanese Ambassador, Jack Cheng, and Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves.