Mother: Tell the truth about how my son died
March 23, 2007

Mother: Tell the truth about how my son died

Still grieving and struggling to find the pieces of their broken hearts – the parents of Franko “Ozo” Roberts are calling on his cousin to say exactly what happened three weeks ago, when their 18-year-old son received a single bullet to his head.

Police are still investigating the circumstances into Franko’s death. Police reports so far suggest that Franko had brought a 9mm pistol to his home in Glen the previous night, and was on that morning showing another relative how to operate the pistol.{{more}}

A shot rang out at around 7:30 a.m. and when the dust had settled Franko was dead from a shot to his head.

The young men were reportedly also capturing pictures with a camera phone, posing with the deadly weapon.

“Too much clouds into what happened, Jesse was there with him; he needs to honour his cousin’s memory and tell the police everything that happened,” said Hazel Ann Roberts, Franko’s mother when she and his father Owen Richards visited SEARCHLIGHT on Monday.

“Whatever happened we believe it was an accident and the key in all this is Jesse,” said Owen, who plans to stay in St Vincent until the 40th day of his son’s death before returning to St Maarten, where he works as a security guard.

The Jesse they speak of is 17-year-old Jesse Andrews who was reportedly in the room with Franko when the incident took place. Hazel Ann told SEARCHLIGHT that she has been taking care of her nephew for the last two years and he was like a brother to her son.

“If Jesse not telling the truth, the whole truth about what happened, then Franko is looking down, so very disappointed in him,” Hazel Ann said, as she shook her head in disappointment.

She reiterated again that she knows who the owner of the gun is and was frustrated that the process of unraveling the mystery into her son’s death was taking so long.

Both parents, who have two other sons together said that they wanted to see justice done in the matter.

“If someone needs to answer then let them answer, whatever happened, my son’s life needs closure,” Owen said.

The unfortunate incident took place on Wednesday, March 7.

Franko was hoping to enroll at the Technical College in September to

pursue his dream of becoming a technician. He was buried on Sunday, March 11.