Construction industry hurt by labour shortage
The ‘labour shortage’ resulting from the record number of construction works going on in this country, has triggered another call for contractors, masons, carpenters and labourers.
On this occasion, the call has come from Kent Dennie, General Manager (Ag) of the Housing and Land Development Corporation the (HLDC) for workers at the Harmony Hall site.{{more}}
In an interview with the Agency for Public Information (API), Dennie said they are trying to facilitate the relocation of those persons living at Argyle to make way for the International Airport Project. He said some 76 houses are to be constructed at Harmony Hall.
According to Dennie 70% of the road network is already in place at Harmony Hall, but there is still considerable work to be done in drainage, retaining walls and the construction of houses. The fundamental problem, he added, is that of labour.
Dennie is encouraging contractors, masons, carpenters and labourers to visit the Harmony Hall site or the IADC Office at Argyle to register (API).