March 2, 2007

PM praises police, crime prevention

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said that National Security does not only involve preventing an invasion of foreign forces, but also fighting and preventing crime here at home. And every effort is being made to upgrade the local crime fighting units here.

Dr. Gonsalves said that this fight is being boosted by the restructuring of the police force and the introduction of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).{{more}}

The Prime Minister said that as a result of a number of seizures and convictions made under the laws that have been introduced by the ULP government, life is being made difficult for money laundering agents.

He said that he has information gathered by the FIU, that proves that a number of major financial supporters of the NDP are under investigation for money laundering.

These persons, he said, are part of a list of 55 persons being investigated for money laundering.

Dr. Gonsalves noted that the local police force has been made more mobile, with the addition of more than 15 new vehicles. He also said that the coast guard has received a new vessel, the first acquired by this country in years.

A number of police stations have been refurbished, with some in the process of being renovated and a few more will built soon, including the 2.2 million dollar project in Union Island.

The customs department is also receiving new headquarters and more staff are being trained to improve their work in the fight against white collar crime, mainly money laundering.

Dr. Gonsalves said that the introduction of a DNA database, the Rapid Response Unit, as well as a number of other aspects are making the fight against crime here very successful.