Young man dies after stabbing
February 23, 2007

Young man dies after stabbing

Yet another mother has been left to mourn the death of her child.

Kaylorn Scott is also wondering just how will she cope with the loss of her son and from where her next dollar will come.

Scott’s son, Cornelius “Monkey” Scott, 20, a labourer of Glen, had his life viciously snatched from him last Friday February 16, 2006 as a result of a stab wound to his neck.{{more}}

Police reports are that about 8.15 a.m., Scott got into an argument with another man during which a skirmish ensued. As a result, Scott received a stab wound to his neck and later succumbed to his injuries at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.

When SEARCHLIGHT caught up with Kaylorn Scott just outside the Serious Offences Court on Tuesday afternoon, anger and frustration were clearly etched on her face. Scott said she was at her home in Chateaubelair when she got a bone chilling telephone call stating her son had been severely stabbed. “When Claudia call me with the news and say ah guy chop up me son and he might not live, I just start to cry plenty.”

Visibly shaken by the ordeal, Scott described her son as willing and her “right hand”. “If he work anywhere he use to give me money. I didn’t even have to ask him for any. He was just a person like that, he never troubled anybody.”

Moments later, police were seen escorting Reynold Castle from the Serious Offences Court, the man who has been charged with Scott’s murder. “Why he hiding he face? The police should let him take his shirt down and let the people see,” expressed a saddened mother.

Friend of the family, Zipporah James said on the morning of Cornelius’ death she was washing and saw when he came staggering behind her house holding his neck and spitting out blood. “He was taking his hand and trying to push up the blood from his neck and was just staring at me,” said James. She further said that he went further down in the road and fell over a bank. He was then whisked away for medical attention.

Cornelius left behind to mourn three brothers and a sister. He also has a two-year-old daughter. He would have celebrated his 21st birthday on Monday.