North Leeward students now computer certified
February 23, 2007

North Leeward students now computer certified

“Believe in Yourself, the Sky is the Limit”, was the theme for the North Leeward Computer Program’s graduation last Saturday evening. The ceremony took place at the Golden Grove Resource Center where 19 students received certificates for completing the course.

Peace Corps Volunteer Chandra Platt who conducted the course and was also the evening’s MC told SEARCHLIGHT “I’m so proud of all the students, they all made sacrifices and are not only good students but my good friends, they inspire me, teaching in Chato is a great experience”.{{more}}

Charles Burke, Training Director at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) was the keynote speaker. He implored the graduates to be professionals and to further their knowledge of Information Technology (IT) as there are a lot of opportunities in that field. “You have to be up on the new technologies in a changing world”, he said.

Carla Samuel of Sharpes Village who gained the highest average examination score was the valedictorian, however each student was also given time to make an appreciation speech.

Telecommunications Minister and area representative Dr Jerrol Thompson arrived at the ceremony just in time to say his piece, having just returned to the state from overseas. “It is a wonderful sight to see citizens from all walks of life from principals to pastors housewives to farmers decide to take ICT (Information Communication Technology) as a tool and means of improving their lives,” he said.

The audience was entertained with dancing by the Chateaubelair Methodist School dance group. A skit bearing the same name as the evening’s theme was performed by the graduates after which, dinner was served.

One graduate who is a recent retiree told SEARCHLIGHT, “It is a wonderful opportunity, do not let age be a barrier to advance yourself”.