February 9, 2007

PESCO has new focus for 2007


The Penniston Educational Sports and Cultural Organisation (PESCO) has completed its calendar of events for the year and has announced that the club will be focussing on social services, youth empowerment and sports.

‘Empowering our youths through sports and community participation’, is the theme for the 10th anniversary of PESCO this year.{{more}}

The activities include delivering meals to three needy persons per month, a community clean-up campaign, a march and rally on HIV/AIDS and crime and violence in the south leeward area, a membership drive, moonlight walks and ring games, regular fund raising events, visits to other organisations in the country, educational and sports activities and the highlight of the year will be the honouring and cocktail party.

According to a release from PESCO, the plans were made in consultation with the people of Penniston.

President of PESCO Michael Johnson says that his organisation is in the process of embarking on a tourism project which will aid in enhancing the Buccama Valley and is calling on the business sector to assist them in their activities.

PESCO was formed on September 11, 1997.