Blue Waters nightclub lounge collapses
February 9, 2007

Blue Waters nightclub lounge collapses

Despite the collapse of the lounge section of Blue Waters nightclub, revelers turned out to get their party grooves on at the popular North Leeward venue last Saturday evening.

“The show must go on”, said Joel “Ras Natty” Francois who despite the damage to his property was in an upbeat mood. “I’ve been in this business long enough to ride this out”, he further stated.

The coastline was pounded heavily by the waves for the past three weeks and much of the Chateaubelair beach has been eroded, hence, triggering the collapse of the waterfront section.{{more}}

While waterfront property owners expressed concern about future surf activities, Esron “Saka” Thompson owner of Beach Front restaurant told SEARCHLIGHT “Today it is Natty tomorrow it could be me, the stakeholders have to get together and discuss what can be done to protect our properties and livelihood”.

Area representative Dr. Jerrol Thompson visited the scene on Sunday to lend his support, “Blue Waters is an important ingredient in the North Leeward tourism landscape, we hope that it would be back to sustainability soon”, he said.

Howie Prince of the National Disaster Management Organization (NEMO) also visited on Sunday and made available the services of an engineer to advise Francois, who has started to install gabion baskets to reinforce the area.

The rebuilding process has already begun so patrons can soon have the complete club to party.