December 8, 2006

Jackson trial goes to High Court

Francis “Prickle” Williams will stand trial for the murder of Glenn Jackson in the High Court.

After more than 30 witnesses and heated debate from both sides, Chief Magistrate, Simone Churaman ruled last Tuesday, December 06 that there was enough evidence to put over the matter to the high court.{{more}}

While lead defense lawyer, Kay Bacchus -Browne raised several objections, Prosecutor Gilbert Peterson SC said that the matters were for a jury to decide, and Magistrate Churaman agreed.

This week the court heard testimonies from the two Scotland Yard detectives, Detective Inspector John Mac Farlane and Detective Superintendent Keith Niven, who assisted local police in their investigations.

Martin Bollers of Digicel and Fitzgerald Huggins of Cable & Wireless also gave evidence.

Because of the sheer volume of witnesses and exhibits to be presented, the case is not expected to be heard until July next year.

Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Colin Williams said that his office’s arrangement with Senior Council Peterson will see him lead the proceedings of the case against Williams to the end.

Glenn Jackson’s nude body was discovered in his vehicle at Cane garden, a short distance from his home on March 6 with a gun shot wound.