November 24, 2006

Rotary Club gives to Lewis Punnett Home

Lewis Punnett Home, adopted by the Rotary Club of St Vincent South, benefited from donations last weekend when the club held its regular luncheon there.

Since adopting the home ten years ago, the club has been hosting luncheons for the residents four times per year and providing other needed supplies.{{more}}

Last weekend saw the presentation of 14 wheelchairs donated by the Wheelchair Foundation, a washing machine donated by Finishing and Furnishing and sheets and pillow cases donated by TMM. The club also provided a case of disinfectant and 100 new plates and spoons for the 98 residents at the Home.

The Wheelchair Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to lead an international effort to create awareness of the needs and abilities of people with physical disabilities, to promote the joy of giving, create global friendship, and to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult in the world who needs one, but cannot afford one. For these people, the Wheelchair Foundation delivers Hope, Mobility and Freedom.

Since 2001 Rotary Clubs have sponsored over 125,000 wheelchairs to more than 100 countries. “Rotary Club South is proud to be part of this global effort and embrace this opportunity to provide wheelchairs to persons in need,” a release from the club stated.

Staff nurse, Venishaw Sutherland in her remarks thanked the Rotary Club for the assistance and highlighted the need for bath beds and other supplies.

Certificates for the wheelchairs were presented to each of the six women and eight men by President Albert and Rotarian Natasha.

In 2003 the Club refurbished the Chapel at the home at a cost of $54,000.

President Albert Porter in his remarks made an appeal for churches in the area to utilize the chapel for services for the residents.

The next Luncheon is scheduled for Sunday, February 18, 2007. Other community projects planned by the club for 2006 include the Children Christmas Party on Saturday, December 2, 2006 and the lighting up of the Calliaqua Square for the Nine Morning festivities on December 14, 2006.