Auto Club Caribbean ready to serve motorists
November 24, 2006

Auto Club Caribbean ready to serve motorists

The newLY opened Auto Club Caribbean (ACC) is promising to meet the automotive needs of vehicle owners.

At the launch of the company on Tuesday November 7 at the Sunset Shores, entrepreneur, Jeremiah Howard, said that his vision to set up the company came about after hearing the complaints of people about the lack of quality service in the automotive sector.{{more}}

Howard explained that by providing affordable, comprehensive packages to vehicle owners such as a 24-hour service for senior citizens and females who encounter vehicular problems, drivers who find themselves in automotive dilemmas would still feel a measure of safety by having a company that supports them.

The businessman who also owns his own auto valet business at Paul’s Avenue said that for now this service was only being offered to privately licensed vehicles on the mainland and expressed hope to expand to the Grenadines. He also announced that he has dreams of offering the ACC service to other licensed vehicles such as omnibuses and light T automobiles.

Howard noted that being a member of the Auto Club Caribbean ensures that their users are still mobile even if their vehicle has broken down because a taxi service or rental car would be provided for a couple of days.

Howard who has worked in the banking and airline service for numerous years before establishing ACC said that he understands the value of providing superior service and that his company is in negotiations with financial and insurance institutions with which he wished to become affiliated.

The entrepreneur said that, worldwide, the automotive industry was a multi-billion dollar sector involving autobody repair, insurance companies, and rental services among other things.

He noted that with the Caribbean on the threshold of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) he was seeking to expand his business to the region so that ACC could negotiate and demand better service with other companies.

Meanwhile, veteran businessman in the automotive industry Dennis Joyette commended Howard on the launch of his company and advised him to keep his standard high.

He noted that one of the first things that was needed was training for staff and expressed an eagerness to have younger people in the industry. Joyette called for a change in the perception that only male school dropouts get involved in the automotive business. He encouraged young people to see it as a sector where they could earn a steady income.

Some of the services being offered by Auto Club Caribbean include roadside assistance, accident management, provision of a relief vehicle, financial assistance, legal and medical services, special discounts on automotive parts among other things.

Affiliates of ACC include Cash Money, SVG Sales and Services, Rent and Drive, SVG General services, and Escape.

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