October 26, 2006

Grenadian student receives Sir Sydney Gun Munro award

A Grenadian student living and studying in St Vincent and the Grenadines, Michelle Davidson, has been awarded the Sir Sydney Gun Munro Scholarship.

Sir Sydney is a former Governor General of the nation.

Michelle, of the Community College, was one of the top performing students this year, having excelled in her A Level exams however she was not eligible for one of the six national scholarships because she is not Vincentian.

Michelle was one of the students who migrated to St Vincent after Hurricane Ivan devastated her homeland in September 2004. She was therefore awarded the Sir Sydney Gun Munro Scholarship by government. {{more}}

Minister of Education, Girlyn Miguel, and Chief Education officer, Susan Dougan, visited with Sir Sydney Monday at his home in Bequia where a certificate of excellence was presented to Director of Grenadines Affairs, Herman Belmar, on behalf of Michelle who was unable to be present.

Minister Miguel also presented Sir Sydney with a painting entitled “Power of the Hand” which was done by an A level student.

The minister said that St Vincent could not forget the work of Sir Sydney when he served as Governor General. As a medical doctor, she said, he saved many lives and deeply cared for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Minister Miguel also presented lady Gun Munro with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Red Cross Association of St Vincent and the Grenadines.