G.H.S Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving 2006
October 26, 2006

G.H.S Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving 2006

Students of the Girls’ High School demonstrated in a very tangible way their goodwill at the school’s annual harvest and thanksgiving ceremony last week.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of pledges to Ms. Luella Jackson, a representative of the Children’s Welfare Fund Committee. {{more}}

The generosity of the students resulted in $5,778.68 being collected and presented to Ms. Jackson to assist the committee in its quest to provide a better life for the nation’s children.

A beautiful array of fruits and vegetables and an atmosphere of thanksgiving set the scene for the Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving Ceremony which was held on Friday October 13, 2006. The theme, “Plant Now, Secure Life Tomorrow” was an apt reflection of the World Food Day Message which was read by the principal, Mrs. Andrea Bowman.

The theme was well reflected in the display of produce and the cultural presentation of a local song “Wuk De Lan” which proved to be very entertaining to the audience which was comprised of staff, students and several invited guests.

It was a joyous occasion and there was evidence of thanksgiving throughout the ceremony. The prayer, scripture reading, hymns, choruses and steel pan music all reflected an attitude of thanksgiving for all the gifts God has given to mankind.

The ceremony culminated with the distribution of fruits, vegetables, canned food and clothing to various worthy institutions. The Girls’ High School Harvest and Thanksgiving Ceremony is an annual event which seeks to give thanks to God by giving to others.