Sam: Teachers must be more sensitized to CSME
October 6, 2006

Sam: Teachers must be more sensitized to CSME

President of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Union (SVGTU) Otto Sam is of the opinion that teachers need to be better sensitized about the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME).

Sam noted that teachers were some of the main educators of the CSME to the youth and that teachers needed to ensure that the younger generation grasps and appreciates regionalism.{{more}}

He said when teachers were imparting their knowledge, they needed to point out the CSME was more than just about travelling and trading issues, but was about unifying as a people so that skills were combined and even shared so that the Caribbean can compete as a strong force internationally.

The SVGTU president said that while other professionals were on the list for free movement for CSME, teachers also needed to be regarded highly because they were the ones who taught the various lawyers, doctors and other highly paid professionals.

Sam pointed out also that the leadership of the Union met with Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves last Friday and had a fruitful discussion on issues related to teachers and education.

He praised the Prime Minister for also encouraging teachers to see their role as educators of the CSME as invaluable and urged them to get children excited and patriotic about their Caribbean.

The Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) held their roundtable talks from the 28-30 September at the Sunset Shores Hotel.