October 6, 2006

Indian Heritage Foundation

The 124th anniversary of the Argyle protests will be marked with a cultural rally at the P’Tani Resort tomorrow from 6:30 p.m.

One hundred and twenty-four years ago tomorrow, 50 Indians marched from Argyle to Kingstown to protest unjust treatment and breach of contract by plantation owners.{{more}}

They were indentured servants working in the sugar industry but as sugar declined, the planters reneged on their contracts and refused to pay their return trip of £17 to India. There was also the famous case of the “Argyle Seven”, who were arrested and charged, on the grounds that they were not allowed to go more than two miles from the estate.

The rally hosted by the SVG Indian Heritage Foundation (SVGIHF) will feature Indian food, refreshments, and culture. All Vincentians are invited.