June 30, 2006

Culinary training programme ends

A successful culinary training programme in Bread Making, Pastry and Desserts has just concluded on the island of Mustique.

The Bread Making, Pastry and Dessert Training was coordinated by The Human Resources Department of the Mustique Company in partnership with the East Caribbean Group of Companies SVG (ECGC) who provided regular and specialty flour products and other ingredients. This training is part of an on – going programme by the Mustique Company to enhance the skills and techniques of employees on Mustique.{{more}}

The Mustique Company participated in the market sampling of the new specialty flours-herb and garlic, rye, pumpernickel and multi-grain being produced by ECGC. The indications from those who sampled the baked goods are that there is a definite market for these products on the island of Mustique.

The training was conducted by Ali Mejahed, a baker of many years experience both in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the South of France. 16 persons, 14 of whom work in villas and two from Basil’s Bar and Restaurant participated. All trainees had some baking experience but needed further training to achieve consistently top quality baked products.

The closing ceremony was attended by a number of persons on Mustique who offered their congratulations to the participants. Certificates of Attendance will be presented by the Managing Director of the Mustique Company at a later date.