Mountain Top fighting for St. Benedict’s
Mountain Top Springs Ltd. has taken up the challenge to spearhead fundraising activities for the St. Benedict’s Day Nursery and Infant Hospital. The hospital and nursery situated at Georgetown are in great need of one million dollars to build a new children’s home.
To help this worthy cause, a press conference was held last Thursday at Mountain Top’s main offices at Lower Middle Street in Kingstown to formally launch the fundraising efforts.{{more}}
Financial Controller of Mountain Top Springs Ltd., Ken DaSilva, said he was approached about three months ago for a donation to a fair being put on to raise funds for the children’s home. He said he quickly realised that much more needed to be done, and has since thrown the weight of Mountain Top behind efforts to raise funds for the home.
DaSilva disclosed that for every bottle of Mountain Top Spring water purchased, five cents would go towards the fund. To date the effort has generated over $1,700. “This is not just an effort by Mountain Top, but it should be seen as a public thing,” said DaSilva.
Contributions were also collected from some of the banks around Kingstown and a cheque of $4300 was presented to the organisation.
Sister Nyra-Anne of the St. Benedict’s Hospital said that she was very thankful to God for the help Mountain Top has given to them. She went on to say that for the past 43 years the home has been in operation, it has suffered a lot of wear and tear.
The Sister revealed that there are nine children at the institution at present, and when the rebuilding is completed, they are hoping to house forty children. She said efforts are being made to establish a volunteer program so that persons could bring their expertise and help in areas needed.
Public Relations Officer, Cleo Jones said that it is indeed a massive venture taken on by Mountain Top. She added that Mavcom has taken the initiative to set up a website for the fundraising efforts. You can log on to www.St. Benedict’sHome. Org. The site would be fully operational within two weeks.
Contributions can be made at RBTT bank, account number, 0107171283.