Literacy crusade goes to prison
June 2, 2006

Literacy crusade goes to prison

Many can now brag and boast that the National Literacy Crusade has done wonders for them. But on Monday May 29, 2006, it was the inmates at her Majesty’s Prison giving their testimonies about how the program has benefited them in several ways.

A showcase of talent was held under the theme, “Education for living,” in which the men demonstrated different talents. With only eight months left on his prison sentence, Nigel Little boasted about his accomplishments in the program, entertaining his fellow inmates with a musical rendition, appropriately entitled, “Blame it on the parents.{{more}}” He admitted that when he went to prison his reading was not up to par, “I could hardly read and write, but now I can write my own songs.” He strongly urged his brethren to take the program very seriously, as it is a lifesaver.

“This is a second chance opportunity, make sure you grab the opportunity with both hands.” These were the remarks made by Director of the Literacy Crusade, Hugh Wyllie. Wyllie told the prisoners to make every use of the opportunities given to them. He also urged the men who are not in the program yet to put aside their pride and join the crusade. He also made it clear that there were many success stories coming from the program and they can do the same.

Feature speaker, Education Officer, Cecil Charles said the theme reminded him of the words to a song by the calypso king of the world, the Mighty Sparrow: “Without an education in your head, your life will be pure misery, you better off dead.” Charles told the inmates they need to have a sound education in order to survive.

The female prisoners were not to be left out as they showcased their talents by rendering a choral speech, which had the audience clapping.

The Literacy Crusade started at the male prison in July 2005 and in May 2005 at the female prison.