Gibsons help with disaster preparation
If the telephone service is disrupted in the North Windward village of Fancy, residents there would still have a means of making contact
with the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO).
Two of this country’s institutions have teamed up to provide this emergency service. They are the Rainbow Radio League (RRL) and Gibsons Building Supplies.{{more}}
Last Friday, Managing Director of Gibsons Building Supplies, Gurney Gibson handed over equipment to RRL’s president Donald DeRiggs.
The package comprises radio communication equipment designed to improve communication when there is disruption. The donation is worth approximately $3,000 and has been installed at the Fancy Government School.
The facility enables communication with Nemo’s headquarters or persons overseas.
DeRiggs expressed happiness with the gift and outlined its use in the communication process. He cited the radio equipment as being an addition to an island wide network.
The Radio can operate on 12 Volt car or truck batteries.
The RRL would also be engaged in training persons to use the equipment.
The RRL has been in existence for the past 11 years and has a useful working relationship with NEMO.
Gurney Gibson in responding, was happy to “assist in any meaningful effort in cases of emergency.”
Gibson boasted of his attachment to small ventures and traced his company’s growth. He reflected on their humble beginnings with five employees to its present figure of over 100 workers.