Florida-Vincy group donates books, medical equipment
June 2, 2006

Florida-Vincy group donates books, medical equipment


The New Grounds Primary School and the Diamonds Health Centre are the proud recipients of two barrels of books and medical equipment donated by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Florida – SVGAF.

Parliamentary Representative of the area Selmon Walters was present at the handover which took place at the New Grounds Primary School.{{more}}

Walters thanked the association for making the donation as he urged the students to use the books for the furtherance of their education.

He noted that the children of today’s society do not spend enough time reading and spoke out strongly against violence in schools as he noted that this phenomenon has emerged in several educational institutions.

He also urged students to associate themselves with positive groups and to desist from aligning themselves to gangs that provide negative influences.

Walters stressed that good behaviour must be encouraged from an early age and as such schools have an integral role to play. He however stressed that the home environment also has an important role to play in ensuring that children become good productive citizens.

The minister made the point that boys are being out performed by girls.

He made a call to change this by asking parents and teachers to combine their energies in an attempt to bring young males up to par with their female counterparts.

Principal of the school Cecilia Browne who accepted the donation on behalf of the school said she was extremely happy with the gesture and promised that the books would be taken care of.