Catch the cash with a scratch
Everyone in St. Vincent and the Grenadines knows of the operations of this country’s National Lotteries Authority. But there are at least four new reasons why persons would become more familiar with the organisation. The National Lotteries Authority has launched four new scratch games. They are: “Hit me for six,” “Small Change,” “Big Bucks,” and “Animal Fever.”
Persons can win up to $2,000 instantly in the Big Bucks and $1,000 from the other three packages.{{more}} The new games were highlighted last Monday and their introduction came during the presentation of a promotion dubbed “Win and bling.”
The opportunity of the launch of the games was used to present a prize of a 29-inch Flat Screen High definition television, and a DVD with built-in receiver to Noel John. The package is worth $5,000.
A former police officer, John was happy with his winnings.
According to Kamara Duncan of the marketing Division of the National Lotteries Authority, “he has his own home cinema system.”
John boasted of his love for the NLA and stated that he had been playing “scratchy” “from the inception.” He had never won any major prizes before, but continued playing because according to him, “the good thing is, if I lose, the money goes towards sports and culture.”
His persistency and patriotism paid dividends last Monday as John received his winnings. Persons had to staple five non-winning scatchy tickets and drop them into a special box.
The NLA will be promoting their new games under the slogan “There’s cash to catch with just a scratch.”
Additional promotions of the new games will take place at Heritage Square in Kingstown on Fridays, in the form of a special one-hour pan concert during the lunch period. This will run until June 30.