Heritage Club shows appreciation to teachers
Teachers who had a hand in preparing students for the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College’s Heritage Clubâs third annual Local History Competition for Secondary Schools were shown appreciation last Thursday at the Haddon Hotel located at McKies Hill.
The Club recognised the teachers’ contributions and decided that their works should not go unrewarded.{{more}}
Guest speaker at the ceremony, local historian Curtis King said that much credit should be given to teachers who have and continue to strive for the development of history in schools across the nation. He alluded to the fact that every teacher will not have the right approach to delivering the history material. “You have to study the books carefully before introducing it into a lesson,” stressed King. He mentioned that teachers must research topics extensively, “You have to do research, there is no substitute for research,” He, however, highlighted that one of the major flaws facing students is the scarcity of available local material. King said that a general local history book is needed so that all the information can be found in one place.
King suggested that teachers should be innovative with how information is relayed to the students. “Combine different subjects areas in your history study to make it interesting, allow your students to share their ideas fully, and plan your work properly,” King said.
Minister of Culture, René Baptiste applauded the tremendous work carried out by the teachers and students of the Community College Heritage Club. She said Vincentians must embrace their culture more and have the desire to learn more about their heritage. Baptiste said that her deep love for history came at a very young age and that her passion for it has not faded in any way. She urged students to do a lot of in-depth research and always have the drive to learn more.
The secondary school history competition, which took place in April, was introduced in 2004.