PAWI cleans up SVG communities
The Fisheries Complex, the playing field and main bus stop in Calliaqua were all given facelifts by the youth ministry group of the Hill Top Tabernacle last Saturday, May 06.
In Layou, members of the Layou Miracle Church Youth Group, accompanied by their pastor, Rev. Noel Clarke, armed themselves with cutlasses, rakes, brooms, wheelbarrows, paint brushes and lots of drinking water and went on a Miracle Mission. {{more}}It was clean up time as they transformed the gateway to Layou clearing the over-grass verges along the Leeward Highway.
These efforts were part of a nationwide community clean-up campaign organized by the youth ministries department of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI), St Vincent district as part of their Youth Week Celebrations from May 01 – 07.
Each of the fellowship’s 13 churches’ youth ministries departments was required to earmark and execute clean up projects within the various communities they serve.
The theme of PAWI’s Youth ministry for 2006 is “Youths – maximizing their potential”.