Minister Browne attends UNESCO 174th session
Michael Browne, Minister of National Mobilization and Social Development returned to the state on Monday after attending the 174th session of the UNESCO Executive Board meeting at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris from April 3 to 13.
Minister Browne was elected as St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ representative on the Executive Board at the UNESCO General Conference in October 2005. The Board comprises 58 member states and is one of the three constitutional organs of UNESCO.{{more}}
The major function of the Executive Board is to examine the programme of work for the Organisation and the corresponding budget estimates.
Minister Browne addressed the general policy debate regarding the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ response to the UNESCO programme and priority areas for the 2006-2007 Biennium.
The Executive Board decisions focused on areas of literacy, culture and the sciences.