VINLEC website upgraded
April 13, 2006

VINLEC website upgraded

Communicating with the St.Vincent and the Grenadines Electricity Services (VINLEC), is now just a click away using the now re-vamped website,

On Monday April 10 at the VINLEC Cane Hall compound, the updated website was officially launched.

Chief Executive Officer, CEO, Thornley Myers noted that the re-vamped website, was one of the company’s ways of offering the best quality service to their customers.{{more}}

He outlined that VINLEC was a service-oriented company that affected the life of every Vincentian, since electricity was a commodity used daily by citizens.

The CEO said that that the upgraded website would give customers the opportunity to express their concerns about the company and about emergencies in their community.

Myers however pleaded with them not use the facility maliciously since it was geared toward keeping VINLEC up to date with what was happening in the society.

He noted that the website which was designed by E-Sun Solutions Ltd. out of Canada, would enable VINLEC to inform persons about weekly scheduled maintenance outages, inform persons about electrical accidents and disaster preparedness among other things.

The VINLEC CEO encouraged customers to check out the website as a family since educational games about electricity for children were also available.

Myers also pointed out that information on billing rates and financial reports were now readily visible on the site as well as the achievements of employees and job vacancies.

He also noted that the website is continuously being updated and hoped that one day customers would be able to pay their bills through the website.

Minister with responsibility for VINLEC, Clayton Burgin commended the service provider for their vision and noted that having a good energy source not only affected this country but other countries with which it did business. He mentioned companies like Eastern Caribbean Group of Companies, ECGC and the Brewery which relied on VINLEC for their production.

Burgin pointed out that although energy costs have increased tremendously over the years, VINLEC, along with the Government, was looking for alternative sources of energy to help cushion the cost to consumers.

The St.Vincent Electricity Services Ltd. has been powering this country for over 75 years.