Pharmacists hand over reference books
April 13, 2006

Pharmacists hand over reference books

Much needed up-to-date Pharmaceutical reference books were handed over to the St.Vincent and the Grenadines Medical Association from the Pharmacists Association on Friday, April 7.

Thirty-three volumes of the 2005 edition of the British National Formulary, as well as two complete volumes of the British Pharmacopoeia and a book on herbal medicine were handed over by President of the St.Vincent and the Grenadines Pharmacists Association Tyrone Jack to Dr. Miriam Sheridan of the Medical Association.{{more}}

Jack said the donation was necessary since there was a shortage of up-to-date pharmaceutical literature at the Government Pharmaceutical Service and that the local organisation tapped into funding from the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association from which they received the books valued at EC$8,000.

Jack pointed out that this was the first time the Pharmaceutical Association sourced books through the Commonwealth branch and they hope to continue it annually.

The president said that the donation would help the local pharmacists who are expected to be the experts on the latest drugs, so that they could pass on this new information to physicians, patients and other health care workers.

Jack commended the Medical Association for putting on the Health Fair but noted that the Pharmacists Association initiated it in the 1980s.

The pharmacist expounded, “It is good that the Medical Association has taken it over and enlarged it by bringing out all the health professionals together to promote health.”