April 7, 2006

Media workers discuss plans to form Association

After an almost two-year hiatus, some members of the local media fraternity are again seeking to re-establish an organization representing the interest of media workers in this country.

A long anticipated meeting was held on Tuesday April 4, 2006 at the Gateway Café, Kingstown.

Participants agreed that it was most timely especially in light of the recent murder of fellow-media worker Glenn Jackson who at the time of his death was press secretary to the Prime Minister and one of the most recognized voices on national radio.{{more}}

In explaining the purpose of the meeting, Kenton Chance of The Vincentian Newspaper, noted that almost two years had elapsed since the last effort at reviving interest in the organization was abandoned; the feeling within the fraternity was that the time was now right to revisit the plan. It was noted that the need to have media workers speak with ‘one voice’ on key issues like the proposed Information Act is very great at this time.

The meeting agreed that other colleagues should be given an opportunity to be part of a process to decide whether to revive what remains of the most recent Media Workers’ Association – of which Jackson was the last president – or whether to launch a new body with a fresh mandate.

It was also agreed that the input of the membership of the previous organisation should be sought, but that the core group would press ahead should there be no willingness on the part of those persons so identified to lend their support.

Concern was also expressed over the fact that since news of Jackson’s death broke, statements have been recorded from journalists and their professional organisations throughout the region but that the Vincentian media had no common voice speaking to this tragedy, although some have spoken in their individual capacities.

Chance also informed the meeting that ACM president Dale Enoch would be in SVG on the weekend of April 8, 2006 and that he had expressed a desire to meet with journalists here to offer support from the regional umbrella body.

The date for a general meeting was set for Thursday April 20 to give interested persons an opportunity to organise their schedules to facilitate their participation.

Jennifer Richardson of SVG Broadcasting Corporation, Ashford Peters and Kenton Chance of The Vincentian Newspaper, Laverne Phillips of NICE Radio, Hawkins Nanton, William ‘Kojah’ Anthony and Carlos James of the Searchlight Newspaper, and freelancer Paulette Williams attended the meeting on Tuesday.