Dr. King Heads Cancer Research
March 17, 2006

Dr. King Heads Cancer Research

Vincentian-born scientist Dr. Baldwin King, currently chemistry professor at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, is leading a research team searching for alternative cancer therapies.

The Merck Company Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) have awarded Drew University a three-year, $60,000 grant as part of the 2006 Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program.


The grant will support a collaborative interdisciplinary research program on alternatives to cisplatin, an effective but often toxic chemotherapeutic drug. The main goal of this research is to develop novel compounds with potent anti-tumor properties but reduced toxicity to organ systems.

“Interdisciplinary Studies of Novel Anti-Cancer Agents” will be led by Professors Christina McKittrick (biology), Baldwin King (chemistry), Adam Cassano (chemistry), and Stephen Dunaway (biology) and RISE Fellow Arnold Demain. The grant will subsidize student research, both during the academic year and the summer months, student conference attendance, a brown-bag seminar for chemistry and biology faculty and students, and a special colloquium as part of the Drew Summer Science Institute.

Launched in 1993, the Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program was expanded into a national competition in 2000. The program’s goals are to: enhance undergraduate education through research experience that emphasizes the interrelationship between chemistry and biology; encourage students to pursue graduate education in chemistry and life sciences; and foster undergraduate programs and activities that bridge chemistry and biology.

This is the first time in Drew’s history that it has received this prestigious award.

Dr. King is married to the former Cheryl Phills of St. Vincent. They have three children Bryan, Cherene and Debra.