March 10, 2006

Scotland Yard, Local Police Hunt Killer – $50,000 reward for information on Glenn Jackson’s murder

A $50,000.00 reward is now being offered by the police to anyone who “can provide any information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved in the … homicide” of Press Secretary and Personal Aide to the Prime Minister, Glenn Jackson. {{more}}

Persons with information are being urged to come forward to help crack the case, and their information would be treated with the utmost confidence. This assurance has come from Acting Commissioner of Police, Bertie Pompey.

At a press conference on Tuesday 7 March, Pompey revealed that the autopsy conducted on Jackson’s body confirmed that he “died of a single gun shot wound which penetrated his Sternum area and exited at the posterior or back area.”

In a statement earlier that day on radio, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who was in Malaysia, reassured Vincentians that the government was doing all in its power to bring the perpetrator to justice.

Dr. Gonsalves said besides seeking assistance from Scotland Yard, forensic specialists were already in the country assisting in the investigation.

He lamented, “ This is the first murder and it is shocking. Who would want to kill Glenn Jackson?”

Doing his best to bring calm to the troubled nation he went on, “I know there will be lots of theories and speculation but I ask everyone to be calm; let the police do their work.”

The Prime Minister urged persons who have information on the murder to inform the police, and expressed confidence that the police and other personnel would conduct a professional investigation.

In reflecting on Jackson’s life, Dr.Gonsalves described the veteran journalist as “a professional par excellence.”

The Prime Minister also noted that Jackson was a magnificent individual, who was very talented and a fine communicator.

Extending his condolences, Dr.Gonsalves pointed out that he had been extremely close to Jackson and thought of him as a younger brother.

He stressed, “Jackson and I were very close and this thing is extremely painful to me. I am sure that my pain and anguish is shared by the people of St.Vincent and the Grenadines.”