Caricom, VINLEC explore windpower energy options
Confronted With skyrocketing fuel prices, the 12-member countries of CARICOM as well as Cuba came together in this country to explore the option of Windpower energy.
The three-day seminar, which was conducted by the Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (CREDP) and the German Corporation Agency (GTZ) was held at the Peace Memorial Hall and ended October 21.{{more}}
At the opening ceremony, Chief Executive Officer of the St. Vincent Electricity Services Ltd. (VINLEC), Thornley Myers noted that his company was exploring ways of getting the cheapest and highest quality renewable energy so that consumers could better afford fuel costs. He encouraged the participating engineers and other representatives of energy companies across the Caribbean to learn as much as possible.
Myers pointed out that this country was developing a National Energy Policy and VINLEC was in the process of building a new diesel generating plant, which is expected to be completed in eight months. He however pointed out that if there is any individual or organisation that could produce electricity from resources less expensive than VINLECâs, they would be willing to buy that power to distribute to the customers.
Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Jerrol Thompson noted that CREDP and VINLEC carried out studies on wind power energy in St.Vincent and the Grenadines in April 2004. Dr.Thompson indicated that some areas were identified as ideal for windpower plants and encouraged the private sector to get involved in the setting up of potential plants.
Thirty-nine participants from 11 utilities companies took part in the seminar which was sponsored by CREDP.
The Global Environment Facility through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Government through the German Technical Corporation Agency (GTZ), the Organisation of American States, OAS and CARICOM also assist CREDP.