SVG mourns for Sister Pat
June 3, 2005

SVG mourns for Sister Pat

Bishop Robert Rivas has called for the Science Laboratory and the Home for Girls being constructed at the St. Joseph Convent Marriaqua, to be named in honour of Sister Patricia Douglas, the late Principal of the St. Joseph Convent Marriaqua.

The Bishop made the plea on Saturday, May 28, at a Thanksgiving Mass in celebration of her life, at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Kingstown.{{more}}

This call, and a reflection of Sister Pat’s achievements were the few moments at the mass, that brought a bit of joy and comfort to the grieving congregation.

The mass was held one week after she died tragically in a car crash in Barbados.

Sister Pat’s loved ones have been asked to take comfort that she did not suffer since death came her way swift and painless.

A sombre atmosphere hovered the Cathedral on Saturday afternoon as tears streamed down the faces of relatives, students, teachers and other persons impacted by her life.

Bishop Rivas told the large congregation, “Sister Pat is dead yet alive in memories.” The Bishop added the day Sister Pat died was her time for going home.

He chose to remember her as a bold and fearless woman who stood up for truth in a humble demeanor.

Pointing to her casket the Bishop said: “Here lies a nun second to none with a heart of God.”

Bishop Rivas noted people like Sister Pat, Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II are unique people that do not cross our paths very often.

“Sister Pat challenged us as a church to swim against the tide,” said Bishop Rivas as he described Sister Pat as a spiritually perceptive woman who lived a very deep life of prayer.

Sister Phyllis Wharfe, of the St. Joseph of Cluny Order, a close friend of Sister Pat dating back to years at the Convent in Trinidad delivering the eulogy described Sister Pat as a dedicated teacher who was always concerned with the development of youth.

She said Sister Pat was a solicitor for the marginalized and the oppressed.

“She seeked to improve the lot of girls,” said Sister Wharfe while adding that Sister Pat was blessed with gifts of organization and leadership.

“A short life was the sister’s life but a rich one,” Sister Wharfe expressed.

Expressions of condolences have poured in from Australia, Canada, Andaman Islands, France, Ireland, United States and Ghana.

Sister Pat will be buried tomorrow in Dominica.