Lions Club gets assistance
December 17, 2004

Lions Club gets assistance

The Lions Club of Kingstown SVG recently received six Ultra Smart blood glucose monitoring system kits to assist in their diabetes screening campaign. The gift came from a direct appeal made to Oswald Vanloo, public relations officer of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Montreal Inc., by Lions Club vice district governor of District 6OB, Beverly Reddock. {{more}}

The SVG Association of Montreal Inc. president, Thomas Austin, and his executive responded promptly and organized the donation. The Montreal-based club has also acknowledged the contribution of Ann Lebrecque of Pharma-prix Pharmacy, a past visitor to this country.

Montreal-based Vincentians Leo St. Hillaire and Peter Haywood were also associated with this humanitarian donation, which the club says is in keeping with the spirit of giving at this time of year.