Help coming for Overland family
August 13, 2004

Help coming for Overland family

The four children highlighted in the Searchlight newspaper July 30, 2004 are getting assistance to try to heal their emotional wounds.
An outpouring of support has been forthcoming from Vincentians, Barbadians, and other regional and international communities. {{more}}They will have to thank journalist Tim Slinger from Nation Newspaper in Barbados, who penned the story, for bringing their tragedy to the public’s attention.
Pamela DaSouza, the mother of Natasha, 12, Natesha, 10, Courtney, six, and Chevonna, five, was killed in Barbados on August 17 last year.
They have since been placed with their grandparents at Overland.
Natasha is a 12-year-old second form Georgetown Secondary student, while the others attend the Overland Primary School.
Natesha is in grade six, while Courtney and Chevonna are both in grade one.
The children are adjusting to life without their Mom and to the new environment at Overland. Grandparents Victorine and Albon DaSouza are doing their best to relieve the pain the children
have endured and, since the publication of their plight in the Searchlight, help is coming.
Last Sunday, Governor-General Sir Frederick Ballantyne and SallyAnn Lady Ballantyne journeyed up the Windward coast to hand over supplies of foodstuff and clothing. But that’s not the end of the assistance for the children.
The Governor-General and his wife have pledged further assistance to the DaSouzas. Renovations are being done to the dwelling in which the four children have been forced to reside.
Other Vincentians have given books and clothing to the children. Among the donors was Sylvia DeFreitas, owner of the Nightingale Book Shop.
Searchlight’s Chief Sub Editor Jude Knight and Assistant Editor William “Kojah” Anthony journeyed to Overland to visit the children and handed over the books on Nightingale’s behalf last Saturday.
Searchlight understands that guidance counsellors have been moved by the plight of the children and will be working closely toward attempting to heal the emotional scars.
Though the circumstances leading up to the children’s plight is tragic, it can be said that “out of evil cometh good”.