Shanel Nanton is SVG’s Country Music Idol for 2010
Local Vibes
April 12, 2011

Shanel Nanton is SVG’s Country Music Idol for 2010

Next Level Country Music Club hosted the first annual Uptown International Designs Inc. Country Music Karaoke Awards, along with the first finals of the second annual Country Music Karaoke Idol contest{{more}} at the Club Calabash on Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Patrons at the well-attended event witnessed encore performances by the 2010 country music karaoke finalists, before they were presented with their awards by President of Next level Country Music Club Arden C. Tannis.

Shanel Nanton the winner of last year’s contest, decked out in her country outfit, graciously accepted the coverted title award of SVG Country Music Karaoke Idol 2010, along with a cash prize of $500. Rohan Morgan received his award and cash prize of $300, for being the SVG Country Music Karaoke Idol 2010 Crowd Favourite, while the eight other finalists in the contest were presented with trophies and consolation cash prizes of $100 each.

The evening also saw 11 finalists in the first round of the 2011 Country Idol contest contend for one of four positions for participation in the Grand Finale in December. After two rounds of singing, Savana John of Back Yard Country Ranch, Lindsay Da Santos, Kendol Bowens and Coleen Lovelace were given the judges’ nod.

The second round of the contest is expected to take place at the same venue, on July 29, 2011. Tannis indicated that the winner of this year’s contest could receive up to $3,000. After all the singing was over, the Country Relatives band gave country dance lovers a night of dancing music they will remember for a long time.