Calypso Semi finalists named
Local Vibes
June 12, 2009

Calypso Semi finalists named

Seven former calypso monarchs and one newcomer are included among the 22 calypsonians from five calypso tents who will be vying for places in the calypso finals, when the calypso semi finals take place at Victoria Park come June 19th.{{more}}

The semifinals competition will feature nine contenders from the On Tour Calypso Tent: past winners: Ipa, Abijah, Vibrating Scakes and Joy-C; as well as Patches, Roots Gordon, Rastaman I, Reality and the lone newcomer Spechie.

The New York based Dynamites Calypso Tent also boasts two former monarchs in Rejector and De Man Age. They are accompanied by Dennis Bowman and John Dougan.

From the Graduates tent come four calypsonians: Tajoe, Black Messenger, Defoe and previous monarch Sulle.

From the Upstage Experience, 2009 New Song winner Brother Ebony, along with former Junior Calypso Monarch Shaunelle Mckenzie and her father Gosnell ‘GC’ Cupid will be in attendance, while Zion I and Bosalt will represent the North/ South Leeward Calypso Tent.

The reserves named are Isa Jah of On Tour and Super Dex of Graduates.

The semi finalists, who will be backed up by the bands Akcess and Nex Level, will perform one song at the semifinals on June 19th, and at the July 5th Dimanche Gras show, they will give two renditions.(JJ)