In Memoriam – Agassi Maurizio Fraser
In Memoriam/Acknowledgement
October 7, 2022

In Memoriam – Agassi Maurizio Fraser

In loving memory of
Agassi Maurizio Fraser
who passed away on the 8th October, 2009.

The hardest part of every year
is remembering that you’re not there

And each time it comes around
we’re disappointed that
we’re unable to see you
Hug you
enjoy one of your pranks or
just reason with you
one last time

Our heart sinks deeper
each time we remember we can’t hear your laughter anymore
you use to lit up a room
you made everyone smile
you kept everyone going
you kept us together

Even though you aren’t here now
you are still at it keeping your friends in touch
especially for you mama

We miss you endlessly
sometimes our brains can’t comprehend
the feeling we feel

13 years later and
our love for you has grown bigger
13 years later and it still hurts
as if it just happened yesterday
now all we have is
your memory
to take us through every day
13 years been a rough one
but the thought of you
keep giving us a little something
to smile about

Keep resting in peace
till we can meet again
we love and miss you Gassi