Electrician shot, killed while on the job in Kingstown
Eric Conliffe
Front Page
May 16, 2023

Electrician shot, killed while on the job in Kingstown

A Kingstown Park man whose name has in the past come up in at least two serious criminal matters here, was shot and killed at Upper Middle Street on Sunday afternoon.

A Police source said Eric Conliffe, a 47-year-old electrician, was shot and killed while working in a building at Upper Middle Street (between James and Sharpe Streets). He was shot multiple times including in his head and heart according to the source.

Conliffe is known to police officers.

One of his run-ins with the law came in 2008 when local police arrested four men in connection with the March 15, 2008, daylight robbery of over $200,000 from a Western Union outlet in Kingstown.

The other men charged were Glenroy Miller, of Ottley Hall; Anthony Doyle, of Edinboro; and Leslie Ashton, of Campden Park. Ashton was shot and killed on February 24, 2018 in King’s Hill, Diamond.

On the day of the robbery, at approximately 7:30 a.m, a Guardsman armoured truck delivered money to the Western Union office.

Shortly after, a man went up to the door and said he was an electrician who was scheduled to work at the premises. An employee made a call to the manager to confirm, but no such work was scheduled.

When the employee returned to tell the man, he and an accomplice forced their way into the building and demanded the money. The men, who were not wearing masks, walked out with the two bags of money, and jumped into what one eye witness described as a brownish car bearing the number plate PP248. It was later revealed that the license plate used on the vehicle was phony.

Conliffe’s name once again appeared in the media in February, 2021 during an investigation that led to a Zaviar AR-15 rifle and 60 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition and marijuana being seized.

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, acting on information received, a party of officers was dispatched on mobile patrol about Central Division in search of a motor vehicle which was occupied by three males.

“The vehicle in question was spotted in Rillan Hill heading in the direction of Kingstown.

“The officers followed the vehicle and ordered it to stop at the Questelles Police Station. The officers approached the vehicle and the officer in-charge of the operation identified members of the party to the suspects.

“The three suspects were identified as Erasto Nero of Edinboro; Eric Conliffe of Kingstown Park; and Linford George Robinson of Jamaica/Gibson Corner. They were invited to exit the vehicle and a search was carried out on the men but nothing illegal was found,” a police report had said.

“A search was then carried out on the vehicle and a transparent plastic bag with a black plastic bag on the inside, containing what appeared to be plant materials which resembled cannabis was found. All three suspects were cautioned and Erasto Nero of Edinboro stated that the contents in plastic bag belonged to him. The offence of possession of controlled drugs was pointed out to him and he was arrested.

“The two other suspects were arrested on suspicion. All three men later accompanied the party of officers to an apartment located in Gibson’s Corner which was occupied by Robinson. A search was conducted at the apartment and one AR-15 rifle and 60 rounds of 5.56 mm prohibited ammunition were found under the suspect’s bed.

“He was cautioned and admitted that the firearm and ammunition belonged to him. The offences of possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition were pointed out to him and he was arrested. All three suspects were later escorted to Police Headquarters where further investigations continued,” the police release further had said.

On Wednesday, February 10,2021 Robinson was charged with possession of one Zaviar AR-15 rifle, a prohibited weapon without the authorization of the Minister, at Gibson Corner, and with possession of 60 rounds of 5.56mm prohibited ammunition.

Nero was charged with having in his possession 832 grams of cannabis with intent to supply it to another at Questelles.

Nero pleaded guilty and was fined $930.00 in court while Robinson was jailed for five years.

Conliffe was released without charge.

His shooting on Sunday brings the homicide count for 2023 to 18.