Blondie Bird and Friends takes Band of the Year Title with 554 points
Front Page
July 11, 2014

Blondie Bird and Friends takes Band of the Year Title with 554 points

Blondie Bird and Friends has once again claimed the top spot in the Band of the Year competition.

With their mas presentation “Heat,” the Guinness, Y De Lima and Hitz FM 103.7 sponsored band mustered up 554 points for their fiery presentation and were also awarded first place for Best Use of Colour, second place in the Uptown Competition {{more}}and third place in the Individual of the Band competition.

Last year’s winners, SVG Players International, had to settle for the second spot in the 2014 competition, with 522 points.

Under their presentation, “Beyond the Rainbow,” Players was able to capture the first position in the Uptown Competition and third and fifth place for Best Use of Colour and Individual of the Band, respectively.

With 514 points, Digicel Ju-C Nelson Bloc placed third in the Band of the Year competition.

Having won for three consecutive years in 2010, 2011 and 2012, Blondie Bird and Friends’ leader, Elroy Boyde, noted that winning Band of the Year is “nothing new.”

“The beauty of the band is that when we win, we win with over 30 something points. We don’t come close to anybody when we win. When we lose, the fellows who win beating us by one point and three points, but anytime we win, we win way far from the rest people,” Boyde said of his 20-year-old band.

According to Boyde, his band tends to opt for culturally oriented presentations, but this year, the concept was to “go fancy” and do “pretty mas.”

“We really go pretty because we win down to colour,” Boyde said.

He explained that after coming up with the concept of “Heat” with Garth Niles and designer Ossie Constance, they were able to start creating costumes for their 2014 presentation.

Boyde expressed thanks to a large number of persons and entities that helped in making Blondie Bird and Friends’ 2014 presentation a successful one.(BK)