Derron ‘Full Clip’ Dennie left in cold after house is demolished
Front Page
November 22, 2013

Derron ‘Full Clip’ Dennie left in cold after house is demolished

A rift between rivalling siblings over their late father’s estate, has left recording artiste and graduate teacher Derron “Full Clip” Dennie out in the cold.{{more}}

The Kingstown Park house that Dennie occupied for nearly 10 years was demolished on Wednesday morning, forcing him to seek shelter at his parents’ home not too far away.

SEARCHLIGHT was told that the demolition of the two-bedroom wall structure was allegedly ordered by a number of Dennie’s uncles and aunts on his mother’s side, including Member of Parliament for West Kingstown Daniel Cummings.

This allegation was made by some of the other siblings of the MP.

These siblings also told SEARCHLIGHT that a directive had been given by High Court Justice Gertel Thom that the property should not be destroyed.

When SEARCHLIGHT visited the area on Wednesday afternoon, Dennie, some of his immediate family members and his legal representative were present and condemned the act.

On the porch of a three-storey house at the back of the demolished home, SEARCHLIGHT observed two women, identified as Dennie’s aunts, dancing as they shouted “mission accomplished” and “let him take this.”

Olin Dennie, counsel for the distraught young man, explained to SEARCHLIGHT that the family had been in court concerning the property, and Thom had given instructionS that the family members resolve the matter without destroying the home, which is part of the estate of Samuel Cummings, who died in 2000.

“This matter went to court on the 8th of November; we had filed an application for continuation of an injunction we had obtained against Dalius Cummings, Daniel’s brother, and a sister….

“The trial judge says ‘look, because it is a family affair, there is a property involved, so I will discharge the injunction, but I will make it clear that the property is not to be demolished’….

“And she even said to them ‘how come it’s since 2000 that this grant was issued in the estate of Samuel Cummings; why hasn’t the administrator (Daniel Cummings) conveyed to the beneficiaries their share in the estate? Thirteen years is a very long time’….

“She said ‘I suggest that you all have discussions with a view that you all have this matter resolved’….

“Lo and behold, I get a call this morning that fellas up there sent by Daniel…. He wants to destroy to facilitate some sister who he gave land to and she has an access road to her property already, but she wants to put down swimming pool,” Dennie alleged.

Counsel Dennie said that he now intends to file a new injunction, this time for damages to the property of Derron.

“Even if you feel like Derron is not supposed to be there, there is a procedure, he should be given notice to leave and if he has failed to leave, so ask for an order, but you don’t take the law into your own hands,” the attorney lamented.

Another individual who was at the scene and said that he was in the court when Justice Thom gave the verbal directive, decried the demolition of the house.

“You can’t tell me that you come and you know that somebody still resides in there, have all their possessions and appliances and clothes and everything, and you still go and you do something like this, and just throw galvanize on the belongings. That is unconscionable. That is heartless. Who would do something like that and supposed to be your family? That is ridiculous.

“The judge made it abundantly clear that the property is not to be demolished. Look at what they have done now,” the individual, also a lawyer, said.

Derron’s father, Christopher Dennie, who is married to Derron’s mother, one of the Cummings siblings, said that the family has been trying to console their son since the incident occurred.

He said that Derron left the house that morning to go to work, and when they were informed later that morning what was taking place, they called their son.

He said his son refused to go into the smashed house to recover any property, since he described the area as “a crime scene”.

“All he has is the clothes on his back,” Derron’s father told SEARCHLIGHT.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Cardinal Law Firm represents Cummings, but efforts to engage someone on the matter proved futile.

SEARCHLIGHT, however ,was able to reach MP Daniel Cummings, who indicated that he did not wish to comment on the issue, except to say that it was a family matter.

“It’s unfortunate that it is being contested and I would rather not comment. I’m just hoping and praying that it would be resolved very quickly, because it’s very simple and straightforward,” Cummings said.

The matter was reported to the police and at press time, they had visited the scene.