Chief Magistrate clearing backlog of cases with Night Court
Front Page
January 18, 2013

Chief Magistrate clearing backlog of cases with Night Court

Nearly $40,000 in fines have been collected by the Serious Offences Court for traffic offences, within the space of six days.{{more}}

This was revealed on Wednesday, January 16, during a sitting of the Serious Offences Court, by Chief Magistrate Sonya Young who has been hearing traffic matters on evenings, since January 7, 2013, in an effort to address a backlog of cases.

“The court collected over EC$39,000 in six days,” Young said.

The Chief Magistrate’s comments came after she said she overheard a comment at the bar table that there were “a few traffic matters” to be dealt with.

“When I am done hearing matters of the Serious Offences Court, I come back here on afternoons to do traffic matters. I deal with 80 traffic matters per day since the start of this month…,” Young said.

The Chief Magistrate added that she had thrown out over 400 matters that were there for a number of years.

“I can’t go to the government and say I need a stand-alone traffic court. I am trying to do this to sort out the matter so I can then make recommendations,” Young added.

One man who had amassed a total of 14 traffic offences, 10 of which he pleaded guilty to, was held on remand.

Those 10 charges to which he pleaded guilty, resulted in a total fine of $2,850 and a one-month prison sentence on each, if he fails to pay.

The man was ordered to pay the fines forthwith or go to prison. The sentences will run consecutively.

“This is just ridiculous!” Young commented.

The court sits from Mondays to Thursdays daily at the Serious Offences Court, beginning at 4 p.m.