Justice Bruce-Lyle blasts WE FM anonymous caller
Front Page
July 31, 2009

Justice Bruce-Lyle blasts WE FM anonymous caller

Justice Frederick Bruce-Lyle has taken offence to comments made by some callers to certain radio programmes.

On Monday, July 27th, at the closing of the assizes, The High Court judge said he was quite offended by some of the things an anonymous caller to WE FM on Sunday, July 26, 2009, had to say about the legal fraternity.{{more}}

“I just could not sit back and listen to what this caller was saying on the radio, so I had to call in and set things straight,” the judge sternly stated.

Describing the caller’s comments as “sad”, Bruce-Lyle said that the caller had stated that some politicians are influencing judges and had control over the judiciary. “If we continue to pull down our judiciary, we are only destroying an institution that has been serving for years…. it’s an institution that stands between peace and anarchy,” he asserted.

He explained that judges have to follow the law when executing their duties to the court, and that is something that people fail to realize. “When we make certain decisions, we have to take certain things into consideration.”

The experienced judge said that he hopes that right thinking persons stay from the nasty comments that are aired on the radio shows from time to time. “Stop your falsity that you are portraying on the radio,” he warned.

Justice Frederick Bruce-Lyle has been a High Court Judge of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court since 2000 and is a member of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission of the OECS.