‘I’m not HIV positive!’
Front Page
June 22, 2007

‘I’m not HIV positive!’

The blood from her wounded heart could almost paint the ocean red. The horrendous rumours have been destroying her life and now this Brighton resident wants to set the record straight.

“I am not HIV positive!”{{more}}

The 32-year-old Dionne DeShong told SEARCHLIGHT that her troubles stretched as far back as a teenager living at Edinboro. “I grew up with my grandmother and for whatever reason it was like a jealously thing, they did whatever to pull me down, people from Edinboro have spoilt my character.”

She brought her recent HIV test results to prove

that she is indeed HIV free. “I have proof right here,

the truth is here and I would like people to stop pointing.”

Growing up was almost like living in total solitude, the few friends she had are now like leaves blowing in the wind. She said that a scar has been left on her self-esteem because of the rumours of her having HIV. “Every time I am seen speaking to someone, people are always point and say I have HIV,” said the distressed woman.

Even though she has relocated to Brighton, the verbal onslaught has not ceased. The prospects of securing a steady job are almost slim to none. “Is like the employers have heard the rumours already and they look at me in a different way all the time.” Some of the simplest pleasures in life, such as walking on the beach, going shopping and interacting are difficult to enjoy due to the constant nasty rumours.

The heartaches and pains over the years was a stumbling block in her life but she is standing firm in the presence of the one who makes her whole, God!

“I believe it’s because of my praying and asking God to change things around for me, things are looking up.” She left a sound piece of advice to person making untrue statement about others, “It is not nice to do such things, AIDS is no joke and it could happen to anyone, it might be today for me and tomorrow for you.”