Hans King is new PM Press Secretary
Front Page
June 2, 2006

Hans King is new PM Press Secretary

As of yesterday Thursday, June 1, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves was set to have “a King” at his side. Vincentian journalist Hans King has been appointed as the Prime Minister’s new Press Secretary.

The Prime Minister made the announcement at a press conference last Tuesday, May 30, stating that the terms of King’s appointment had been settled and the arrangements were being finalized.{{more}}

“I am elated to be appointed,’ said King when he spoke to SEACRHLIGHT. Describing Prime Minister Dr. Gonsalves as “one of the best leaders in the region,” King said that he was looking forward to learning from him.

SEARCHLIGHT’s senior reporter Hawkins Nanton first broke the story on the appointment in a back page story in our May 12th issue.

Reliable sources had indicated that King was interviewed by the Prime Minister on Tuesday May 2 and was tipped to take up the post on the completion of his final year of study at the Cave Hill Campus, University of the West Indies.

King is a former head boy at the St Vincent Grammar School and functioned as a teacher at the same institution. He also served as a reporter and Sub-editor at SEARCHLIGHT newspaper.

After five years he left the print media and moved on to the St Vincent and the Grenadines Broadcasting Corporation where he served as assistant news editor. While in Barbados, King worked part-time at the Barbados-based regional news agency, Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC).

King will fill the big shoes of Glenn Jackson who became the nation’s first homicide victim for 2006 when his nude body was discovered in the back seat of his vehicle at Cane Garden on Monday, March 6.

King told SEARCHLIGHT that although Jackson has left huge shoes to fill, he is confident that he can and will do a good job, adding however, that he and the late Jackson have different personalities.

Missing from King’s portfolio is the title of Personal Aide, which Jackson also held, but King is confident that the absence of this title will have no bearing on his functioning. “I will be working quite closely with the Prime Minister and will be reporting to him.”